the evergreen gardens

what's been changed?

aka the changelog
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this page serves to catalog all changes that this site has gone through throughout time. unfortunately around february 28th, 2024, the original html file for this page was gone. so only now, as of march 17th, 2024, i only now have gathered the motivation to work on it again. i cannot recall every change i made, sadly, so for now, this will mostly be vague changelogs with unspecific dates and times, but after a while it should be back to normal, indepth changelogs.

july 29th, 2024

just reorganized images. still dont feel like updating this site.

may 28th, 2024, ~4:30 am to 5:00am

went and deleted a bunch of pages. i feel like them just sitting there wasnt making me feel like actually working on making it look nice. so having a blank slate will be nice!
also went and re-organized my art folder, for some reason all my 2024 art wasn't in a 2024 folder.

march 27th, 2024, ~6:30pm to 8:30pm

finally started actually working on the new self-ship page, with one page done for star-nun. will do the rest later.

march 22nd, 2024, ~1:30pm to 2:30pm

updated the fnf page, it will now feature little illustrations for the links to each page.

march 21st, 2024, ~9:30 am to 11:00am

small update to the art page to catch up, also went and organized each main page so the nav bar is at a consistent height. also went and updated the 2024 media page.

march 17th, 2024, ~6:00 pm to 7:00pm

overhauled the visuals of the art page, to have a distinct color. this will slowly be integrated across all major pages in the site. also i remade this changelog and will make sure to backup my entire site just incase.
also someday before this i joined the "neo creatives" webring.

march 10th, 2024, ~1:00 am to 2:00am

started working on an ourple guy page, not sure what to put in it yet, but it'll be 'public' when it is ready.

march 3rd, 2024, ~7:00pm to 8:00pm

after getting stitched up from a horrific knife incident (slightly exaggerating) i wrote a blog post where i talk about my new f/o, sarvente :)
also around this time i signed up for the "transing the internet" webring, pretty neat.

february 27th, 2024, ~1:00am to 3:00am

made an art-page to archive all of my work, from 2021 up to now.

february 14th to 15th, pretty much all day.

two major things:
one, i wrote a blog post detailing my thoughts about my wife for valentine's day
two, i made a fnf page about the exe mod rerun, then wrote a 1 month perspective on my progress of this site.

february 12th, 2024, ~2:00pm to 4:00pm

started with expanding the kin-list to include the rest. then i decided to join nephro's other webring for alterhumans.

february 4th, 2024, ~3:00am to 4:00am

reworked the gamebreaker page to be a lil less cringy, and look distinct with its own theme.

january in general

the birth of the site, starting with a simple home page, slowly evoled to look way nicer :)